Johann Sebastian Bach Violin Partita No. 3 in E major, BWV 1006 Prelude
巴赫 E大調第三號小提琴無伴奏組曲前奏曲,BWV 1006
Ludwig van Beethoven Violin Sonata No. 5 in F major, Op. 24 “Spring” mov.1
貝多芬 F大調第五號小提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 24「春天」第一樂章
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No. 4 in D major, K. 218 mov.1
莫札特 D大調第四號小提琴協奏曲 K. 218 第一樂章
Johannes Brahms Violin Sonata No. 2 in A major, Op. 100 mov.1
布拉姆斯 A大調第二號小提琴奏鳴曲Op. 100 第一樂章
Felix Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64 mov.1
孟德爾頌 E小調小提琴協奏曲Op. 64 第一樂章

小提琴 | 徐凡閔
徐凡閔憑藉紮實的技術與音樂性,不斷追求小提琴演奏的卓越,並從古典傳統與當代音樂中汲取靈感。她的音樂之路已經延伸至國際舞台,包括2024年跟樂團一起參加的維也納 Summa Cum Laude Festival,進一步奠定她作為新一代古典音樂家中極具潛力的小提琴家的地位。
Violin | Hsu Fan-Min
Hsu Fan-Min is a dedicated and accomplished violinist with extensive experience in both solo and ensemble performances. A graduate of the prestigious Music Program at Taoyuan Municipal Nankan Senior High School, Hsu is currently a senior at Fu Jen Catholic University, where she continues to refine her craft under the guidance of esteemed violinists such as Tang Shi-jie, Wu Wei-jing, Lei Yi-hui, Jian Xiang-jun, and Lu Yao-zu.
Hsu has garnered numerous accolades throughout her musical journey, including first place in the Taoyuan City High School Violin Competition, where she earned the top honors in the A Group. Her artistry has been showcased at renowned venues such as the National Concert Hall, where she has performed with the Longtan Philharmonic Orchestra and Tang Jazz Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as during her personal violin recital in 2023.
With a strong foundation in both technique and musicality, Hsu continues to pursue excellence in violin performance, drawing inspiration from both classical traditions and contemporary influences. Her journey has taken her to international stages, including the Vienna Summa Cum Laude Festival in 2024 with the orchestra, further establishing Hsu as a promising violinist in the next generation of classical musicians.
鋼琴 | 杜憶慈
Prof. Jacob Leuschner 形容她「是一位極為認真與嚴謹的音樂家,於旅德期間,成功的找到了屬於自己的個人表現力,並在表演裡展現高度的音樂性與自由性。
科隆音樂院鋼琴教育法講師: Dorothee Broichhausen 推薦她「是一位傑出的鋼琴家,在曲目的呈現方面,並存著感性與理性,總是擁有有趣的想法,來分析與組織作品,擅長展現細緻卻又充滿激情的演奏。」
杜憶慈,新生代旅德鋼琴家,2005年畢業於高雄市立高雄中學,並於 2009 年獲國立台北藝術大學學士學位,師事徐頌仁教授、陳泰成教授、蔡佳憓教授。翌年以優秀成績考取德國科隆音樂院(Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln)Aachen 校區,師事Prof.Jacob Leuschner 和 Dorothee Broichhausen。除了鋼琴獨奏之外,學生時期便廣泛接觸、累積大量器樂伴奏的經驗,更曾於多場器樂獨奏會擔任鋼琴協演的角色,經常以專業伴奏身分活躍於校內校外各個重要考試表演場合。
旅德期間經常擔任室內樂與鋼琴獨奏演出,活躍於歐洲多國音樂節,包括德國 Oberstdorfer Musiksommer 、 Euro Music Festival 、波蘭 The Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music 等,受到各國教授的愛護與指定合作。 2011年,以鋼琴獨奏項目獲選,參與校內《日本311賑災慈善音樂會》表演,2012 年於科隆音樂院 Kammermusiksaal 室內樂音樂會演出,以鋼琴三重奏深獲科隆音樂院室內樂領導教授:Harald Schoneweg讚賞,評審一致通過滿分的殊榮, 2013 年更受科隆音樂院音樂教育及音樂學博士:Albert Kaul 的邀請,參與《 John Cage 紀念音樂會》預置鋼琴獨奏表演,並於同年取得碩士學位。
Piano | Du Yi-Tzu
Former Chair of the Piano Committee at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln (referred to as “Cologne University of Music and Dance” hereafter), Prof. Jacob Leuschner, described her as“an exceptionally dedicated and rigorous musician, who, during her time in Germany, successfully found her personal means of expression and demonstrated a high level of musicality and freedom in her performances.”
Dorothee Broichhausen, a lecturer in Piano Pedagogy at the Cologne University of Music and Dance, recommended her as “an outstanding pianist who combines emotional and intellectual approaches in her interpretation. She always has interesting ideas for analyzing and organizing the repertoire, and is skilled in delivering refined yet passionate performances.”
Du Yi-Tzu, a rising Taiwanese pianist who studied in Germany, graduated from Kaohsiung Municipal Senior High School in 2005 and obtained her Bachelor’s degree from the Taipei National University of the Arts in 2009, studying under Professors Hsu Sung-jen, Chen Tai-cheng, and Tsai Chia-hsi. The following year, she was accepted into the Aachen campus of the Cologne University of Music and Dance with excellent results, where she studied with Prof. Jacob Leuschner and Dorothee Broichhausen.
In addition to her piano solo studies, Du Yi-Tzu gained extensive experience in instrumental accompaniment during her student years, having performed as a collaborative pianist for numerous solo recitals. She frequently served as an accompanist for major examinations and performances, both within and outside the school, developing a strong reputation for her professional accompaniment skills.
While in Germany, Du was actively involved in chamber music and solo piano performances, performing in music festivals across various European countries, including the Oberstdorfer Musiksommer and Euro Music Festival in Germany, and the Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music in Poland. She was highly regarded by professors from multiple countries and often invited to collaborate with them.
In 2011, she was selected as a soloist to perform at the university’s Japan 311 Disaster Relief Charity Concert, and in 2012, she performed at the Kammermusiksaal Chamber Music Concert at the Cologne University of Music and Dance as part of a piano trio. Her performance was highly praised by Harald Schoneweg, the head of chamber music at the university, and she received unanimous top scores from the jury. In 2013, Du was invited by Dr. Albert Kaul, a professor of music education and musicology at the Cologne University, to participate in a John Cage Memorial Concert where she performed a prepared piano solo. She obtained her Master’s degree in the same year.
After returning to Taiwan in 2013, Du Yi-Tzu has been actively involved in instrumental accompaniment and chamber music performances, and has devoted herself to teaching. She currently teaches at Taoyuan Daxing Elementary School, Neili Junior High School, and Qiying High School.